Wednesday 22 February 2012

Goodbye Old Friend

Oh dear.  Thanks to one stormy night too many my rickety, salvaged potting shed has finally given up the ghost and collapsed.  Thank goodness, then, that it was photographed in its prime - stuffed full of fleamarket finds and reclaimed goodies.  I'll have to start planning a new one now.....

Photos: Victoria Harley


  1. It looks like you had a very nice shed, so it must be really sad it's gone now. But... every cloud has its silver lining - I'm sure you will have lots of fun designing and building a new one.

  2. So sorry to read about the wind's destruction! But, with an eye that good, you'll clearly have no problem recreating a new and gorgeous space! I wish you every success and look forward to seeing some pics of its creation ;-)

  3. So sad, these were beautiful flowers :(
    In order to save them you can buy these garden tools -
